Amanda Nell Eus Inspiration für „Tiger Stripes“
„Tiger Stripes“ ist ein einzigartiger Film, auch wegen der Vielzahl an Einflüssen, die Regisseurin Amanda Nell Eu verarbeitet:
Die Idee: biographische Erfahrungen
„I was thinking about how I experienced puberty as a kid. It was quite a traumatic experience for me. I felt so insecure about myself, looking down at my body and suddenly finding the changes it was going through really terrifying. […] Everyone’s always saying that teen girls are monsters, that they’re crazy, controlled by their emotions, so I found it quite funny that this girl turns into a monster.“

„Tiger Stripes“; © Weydemann Bros
Die Dynamik zwischen den Charakteren: „Mean Girls“
„Mean Girls (2004) is one of my favourite films, so I love that [vicious] dynamic! It’s a dynamic I grew up with — I grew up with two older sisters and went to an all-girls school — so this violence between girls is very real to me.“
Die Metamorphose: Mythen und Folklore aus Südostasien
„There’s the folklore from South East Asia, especially for Zaffan’s look at the end of the film. I kind of played loosely with the idea of the Harimau jadian, which is a were-tiger. It’s folklore from the Nusantara region, predominantly from Indonesia, but of course all these stories spread over to Malaysia too.“

„Hausu“; © rapid eye movies
Außerdem: Body Horror und Märchen
„It’s also an homage to our old horror films, how our monsters look, and also an ode to special effects make-up. Definitely a lot of eighties horror, specifically Hausu (1977). In terms of fairy tales, I referenced The Ugly Duckling a lot, especially for the mother-daughter relationship. Zaffan is an ugly duckling, turning into something else, and nobody understands what she is.“
– aus einem Interview mit Anna Bogutskaya, copyright: Weydemann Bros