Unabhängiges FilmFest Osnabrück c/o Osnabrücker FilmForum e. V. Lohstrasse 45 A 49074 Osnabrück Germany
Wenn der Film als Online-Link eingereicht wird, müssen Link und Passwort bis zum 16. Oktober 2018 gültig sein. Falls Link oder Passwort geändert werden müssen, senden Sie bitte die neuen Daten an info@filmfest-osnabrueck.de. If you submit your film as an online screener, it must be valid (with the same password) until 16 October, 2018. If you need to change the link or password, please send the new information to info@filmfest-osnabrueck.de.
I agree on broadcasting an excerpt of my work for promotion on tv, online and during the press conference as well as FilmFest Osnabrück's award ceremony.
I agree that - if my shortfilm or music video was selected for the Independent Filmfest Osnabrück 2018 - my film is shown in a non-commercial, free entrance shortfilm programme at the student cultural event Terrassenfest (www.terrassenfest.de) in April 2019 and the city festival "Lichter in den Höfen" (www.lichter-in-den-hoefen.de) in September 2019 which presents several cultural events in Osnabrück, to represent the Independent FilmFest at these events.
Please send pictures for the catalogue and our website separately via e-mail to info@filmfest-osnabrueck.de. Please also provide a set of at least three different excerpts of max. three minutes for broadcasting.