Director’s note zu „The Echo“

comments of the director Tatiana Huezo “This film arose from the need to continue exploring the territory of childhood; from the desire to search for an image or a sensation, seen through the eyes of a child, which would reveal to me how we perceive the first moments of solitude and...

DIRECTOR’S STATEMENT- Asaf Saban von Delegation

When I was 17, I went to Poland with my class. The strongest impression I remember from that trip is a feeling of disappointment and indifference as I stood in front of the sites and places that were meant to shock me. My memories of this trip revolve around the random...

Amanda Nell Eus Inspiration für „Tiger Stripes“

"Tiger Stripes" ist ein einzigartiger Film, auch wegen der Vielzahl an Einflüssen, die Regisseurin Amanda Nell Eu verarbeitet:   Die Idee: biographische Erfahrungen "I was thinking about how I experienced puberty as a kid. It was quite a traumatic experience for me. I felt so insecure about myself, looking down at my body...