Life is not a competition, but I’m winning Regiestatement von Julia Fuhr Mann

Die dokumentarische Filmform hat eine Vorliebe dafür, Protagonist*innen beim Leiden zu zeigen. Trotz der guten Absichten neigen solche Erzählungen dazu, gewaltvolle Erfahrungen zu instrumentalisieren, da diese oft als dramaturgisches Zentrum eines Films verwendet werden. Konflikte treiben die Geschichte voran. Wenn man sich in der filmischen Erzählung aber auf die Schilderung...

Regienotiz zu „Endless Borders“

My country, Iran, is a vast land. It is home to various ethnicities and races, each with their own customs and traditions. Iran has always been an indispensable route for immigrants, especially for Afghan refugees, amidst the numerous social crises and civil wars in the Middle East. “Endless Borders” tells...

Regienotiz zu „Amanda“

When I wrote Amanda I didn’t have any other definitive motive besides writing a nice story, which is what I usually try to do. I didn’t really have a plan or a character in my head and I think if you treat characters with respect, the same respect you have...

Regienotizen zu „Etilaat Roz“

I am Abbas Rezaie. I was born in 1983. I am a journalist, an author, a poet, and a documentary filmmaker. As a Hazara minority growing up in a tough situation, I have made five documentary films before and after the collapse of the Afghanistan government by the Taliban. I...